by SBA | May 14, 2020 | community, networking, Scarborough, support
SBA president challenges others to match the contribution (For immediate release) Front-line hospital workers are golden in Scarborough and the Scarborough Business Association (SBA) knows it. The Scarborough Business Association is hosting the presentation of 300... by SBA | Apr 25, 2020 | business, community, Scarborough, Uncategorized
When we were first starting to see the effects of COVID-19 in our community and in our business world, the SBA struck a COVID-19 response task force. This volunteer committee meets weekly (and communicates regularly in between) to carry out a program of support and... by SBA | Dec 24, 2019 | business, community, education, networking, Scarborough, Uncategorized
Andrea Hazell (BMO) has been elected president of the Scarborough Business Association. Joining Andrea on the executive for the 2019-20 year will be Ashwani Bhardwaj (Ashmay Conveyancing) vice president and Viresh Mathur (Blue Umbrella Financial Services) treasurer.... by SBA | Jun 20, 2019 | business, community, networking, Scarborough, Uncategorized
It’s summer, and Scarborough Business Association welcomes three new talents to join the team. These young future leaders bring their expertise and ideas to SBA. “We’re thrilled by the opportunity to once again host a summer program and I know these young business... by SBA | Apr 30, 2019 | business, community, John Tory, networking, Scarborough, Uncategorized
For immediate distribution (Scarborough, ON) Mayor John Tory will bring his vision for Scarborough’s future to a lunch with an expected 400 business leaders on May 6. It’s the fourth year for the Scarborough Business Association’s (SBA) Lunch with Mayor John Tory and...