Mayor says let’s get on with building better transit

Tory-headshot_250_313The time for talk is over. It’s time to build.

That’s the overriding message Toronto Mayor John Tory gave at the Scarborough Business Association’s Lunch with Mayor John Tory event at the Delta Toronto East.

Tory defended the latest Scarborough transit plan, arguing it provides more benefit to Scarborough users while costing essentially the same at the earlier plan featuring a three subway stop extension into Scarborough.

The event attracted about 300 guests, and it’s hopeful it becomes an annual event for the SBA.

The event drew substantial media to Scarborough and reports flourished online, in print and via television.

“We had terrific exposure from the lunch and we’re grateful to the mayor for attending,” said SBA President Marg Middleton. “ I think it sent a signal to Scarborough business that we are serious about getting the City of Toronto’s attention to our issues, and the mayor showed he’s listening by attending.

Click here is a full report of the event as appearing in the Scarborough Mirror.