SBA Economic Breakfast

Join the Scarborough Business community for networking education and breakfast! The state of the economy – tariffs and persistent inflation presented by John Fanjoy, Eonomist, Scotia Economics Team and Pension plans for small business owners – Paul...

SBA Summer Celebration

Join the Scarborough Business Community for some afternoon fun Noon to 2 pm. Rekindle old friendships and make new ones. The event comes at the conclusion of the Toronto Business Summit.
Mayoral Candidates Debate: Scarborough Issues

Mayoral Candidates Debate: Scarborough Issues

The upcoming Toronto mayoral election is a chance for residents to guide the path of our ever-growing city. This debate will be a chance for mayoral candidates to share their vision and strategies for addressing issues facing the city, with a particular focus on...

A great start to a great new year!

It’s a new calendar year – and with it comes new opportunities for Scarborough business. Join us for our first event of 2017 – a Super Networking Breakfast, Jan. 11 7 – 9 a.m. at JC’s Banquet Hall, 1686 Ellesmere Rd. You can register...