Dave Hardy tells how at networking breakfast March 9

dave_hardy_250_313So you want to build a economically stronger Scarborough do you?

Well, during the past couple of years, there’s been a lot of work behind the scenes done to understand where Scarborough is today. What are challenges? What are the strengths? What are the priorities for the future?

Much of this critical Scarborough inventory has been done through the Scarborough Community Renewal Campaign, led by Dave Hardy, president of Hardy, Stevenson and Associates.

Hardy will speak to the monthly breakfast and networking meeting of the Scarborough Business Association (SBA) on March 9, 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., at JC’s Banquet and Grill House, 1686 Ellesmere Rd., Scarborough. To register for this event, click here.

As a professional community planner Dave will be giving his recommendations for the future of Scarbrough’s economy.

Dave Hardy has completed 125 social-economic impact studies, economic and development community plans, participated in 75 economic assessment studies and has designed and completed 250 public consultation programs. He has facilitated more than 1,500 workshops and public meetings.

Dave is a holder of a Masters of Environmental Studies (York University) and an honourary bachelor’s degree in urban studies.

He is a past president of the Conservation Council of Ontario and has served as acting chair of the Canadian Standards Association technical committee on environmental assessment, among a long list of planning community leadership roles and projects.

He is a former vice-chair of the former Scarborough social planning council and past president of the Rotary Club of North Scarborough.