The Scarborough Business Association will welcome representatives of the City of Toronto’s employment help centre to its next speaker/networking breakfast, May 11.

Toronto Employment and Social Services (TESS) staff will provide information on the employment services managed and delivered through TESS Employment Centres located across the city, in collaboration with a broad network of community – based employment service delivery partners. TESS can:

  • connect employers and job seekers
  • assist with outreach and recruitment, supporting access to diverse populations with a variety of skills and experience
  • match qualified candidates to employment and learning opportunities and support them in maintaining employment
  • lead initiatives that help employers and residents access an employment service system that can otherwise seem vast and complex

You can join the monthly breakfast. Here are the details:

  • When: May 11, 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
  • Where: JC’s Banquet and Grill House
  • Cost: Members – $25 plus HST; Non-members $35 plus HST.
  • Registration: You can register here.


Come enjoy a great breakfast and learn what they city can do to help you develop your business.